It’s Wednesday, so here’s what I’m reading.
This is is a TOUGH week to be a #booknerd! So many books that I’ve been waiting to read all came out on Tuesday.
To be honest, I’ve had advanced copies of two of these books since December, but I knew I was going to love the audiobooks so much that I pre-ordered from Audible and started the countdown to release date. (And, I have to say, I’m impressed that I didn’t break down and read the books over winter break).
Now to decide which one to finish first...
1) Courting Darkness by Robin LaFevers!
The author’s “His Fair Assassins“ trilogy are some of my all-time FAVORITE books. EVER. And to get the chance to go back to this world and the characters? Yes, please! FYI, all three audiobooks were terrific productions, and so far this one does not disappoint.

2) On The Come Up by Angie Thomas
Thomas garnered MAJOR buzz in 2017 for The Hate U Give. I mean seriously, unless you’ve been living under a rock I’m pretty sure that you’ve at least heard of the book...or the movie...or both. I liked THUG, but I’ve been more excited for this story.
Also, the audiobook is narrated by the incomparable Bahni Turpin, so definitely worthwhile.
(Spoiler alert, I decided to finish this one first because I knew it would be a faster read. I’m 3/4 of the way through and it’s AMAZING!).

3) A Drop of Hope by Keith Calabrese
So, I have friends in town and I needed a beach read actual book I could read and enjoy, but not worry about damaging. Beach days call for galleys. So, I grabbed this one because it was completely the opposite vibe, age group, etc. of the other two.
Scheduled to be released on 2/26, I am really loving this one! After a morning on the beach, I’m about half-way through and I can’t wait for the weekend so I can finish it. I’ll let you know my final thoughts next week!

What are you reading this week?