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So Many Books, So Little Time

Getting ready to present last year's seminar.

"So many books, so little time." Any avid reader will tell you that is the story of their (reading) life. I've been know to use it as a hashtag. You might think that this is hyperbole, but this sentiment is pretty much how I feel every day, especially as Labor Day Weekend rolls around.

Why is that? In addition to my teacher-librarian hat, and my #FeednRead literacy coordinator hat, I also present seminars around the country on "Best New Books" every year. In order to be prepared to talk about the best new books, I am ALWAYS reading. Always. I am also constantly afraid of missing some spectacular book. There really are too many new books published every year, and just not enough time to read them all.

Why does Labor Day weekend spark fear in the hearts of...well, me? Because that marks the point that I have to STOP READING (*gasp*) and put together the current year's handbook of titles before the mid-September deadline. (Yes, I am a procrastinator. Also, can we talk about how mid-September is a ridiculous deadline when SO MANY BOOKS are published between October and December every year? Sometimes I have to guess and hope for the best. Hooray for addendums!)

I look forward to seeing you on my 2018-19 school year "Magical Librarian Tour" (my name for it)! If there isn't a seminar in your area this year, holler. I'd love to come visit your school/district! If money is an object, and there is no professional development budget, subscribe to my website to access my "mini" webinars every month. It's just like getting the full-day seminar I do for BER (Bureau of Education & Research) in smaller segments throughout the school year...and you can watch in your PJs from the comfort of your living room (or at school on your lunch "hour"😂). Happy Reading! If you're back at school, enjoy the long weekend. If you're starting school next week, enjoy those last few days of summer vacation. If you need me, I'll be madly trying to make dent in my TBR pile. 📚


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