Four years ago I moved to Hawaii to start the "Life is Too Short" chapter of my life. It was time to live the dream. And that dream included SUNSHINE, being warm, and reading on the beach at every opportunity.
Maybe it was going to include some subbing or at most a part-time teaching gig. But I wasn’t planning on having a classroom again so I GAVE AWAY EVERYTHING. Every. Thing.
Classroom library? Gone.
Personal library? Gone.
Posters? Gone.
Makerspace stuff? Gone.
Everything was given to teacher friends for their classrooms, libraries, and schools.
We were living very minimally and getting rid of almost everything else so I definitely wasn’t going to pay to ship stuff I wasn‘t planning on using.
Fast-forward four years, and this is how I spent my Friday morning, a week after the school year ended: stacking my classroom into the garage.

It currently includes 11 containers of classroom and Makerspace materials, a bin of board games, a giant box of rolled up and laminated posters, and 22 containers of classroom library books!
So clearly we’ve learned that I can’t stay out of the classroom. And I just finished year #20 in schools and libraries. #bestlaidplans #justcantgetenough
Stay tuned next week as I reflect on year #20... and for next year’s adventures...